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Wonderware Intouch 10.1 License File UPD

wwsuite.lic - This is an older form of Wonderware's license files, and is typically used for products like InTouch 7.11 through to InTouch 10.1, as well as for older IO Servers and DA Servers, etc.. If you receive one of these files with your licenses, it is easier to install it even if you are unsure if you'll need it, as it may prevent problems later on if you do install an older version of a product (Example: an old IO Server). The format of the wwsuite.lic file and the archestra.lic file are very similar, with the determining factor primarily being the age of the software.

Wonderware Intouch 10.1 License File

archestra.lic - This is the newer form of Wonderware's license files. Many newer products are migrating to this file, such as InTouch 2012 and higher, Wonderware Historian, and standalone Historian Client. If you receive one of these licenses it is easier to install it, even if you are unsure if you'll need it, as it may prevent problems later on. The format of the wwsuite.lic file and the archestra.lic file are very similar, with the determining factor primarily being the age of the software.

archestraServer.lic - This type of license file is used for server based licensing, where a central server houses the licenses, and clients connect to this license server to obtain a license. This is primarily used by Wonderware Information Server and Historian Client. Currently there are only a few Wonderware products that will make use of this type of license. If you are unsure if you'll need this license, it is typically easier to not install it, as these types of licenses may need additional configuration to specify which users/computers are allowed to obtain licenses.

Some newer products such as Recipe Manager Plus utilize an online activation system. For this, you will typically receive a .XML file which when activated will become a .BIN file on the hard drive. You may receive a .BIN file directly if you are just testing the software, as you will typically receive a preactivated license. In this case you would not use the license manager to activate the file, you will typically place this directly on the hard drive.

A softkey is used by InTouch Machine Edition (ITME), which uses the MAC address of the PC you are on, then does an online activation. In this case you will not actually receive a file, instead the license will be generated online using the ITME software and your credentials on the Wonderware website.

Wonderware enforces the use of its products with a software license. After you install a Wonderware product, you must install a single license file, ARCHESTRA.LIC, which contains your customer information, product data, and software features. Until you apply your Wonderware license, you can run the InTouch HMI only in demonstration mode.

Licenses for Wonderware products are maintained in license files or on a license server. The license file contains one or more license components, which are lines of information that specify licensing for an individual product.

Unserved licenses, also known as local licenses, are installed on the same computer as the applications using them. Unserved licenses do not run on a license server. Unserved license files usually have the file names wwsuite.lic or ArchestrA.lic.

Click File, and then Install License File. The Choose a License File to Install dialog box appears. Browse the small license DVD (or other path to your license file), select the ARCHESTRA.LIC file, and click Open.

When the License manger launches, browse the tree in the left pane and click on the computer name. The installed license files should be shown in the right components window. Locate the Serial Number column to the right and record the number for your records.

The License Utility main window appears. Browse the tree in the left pane and click on the computer name. The installed license files should be shown in the right components window. Locate the Serial Number column to the right and record the number for your records.

  • InTouch HMI (v10.5) Patch 01 resolves the following issues listed by their Change Request number: L00096629: HF CR L00116487 SR 103116551: The StartApp() function in InTouch 10.1 did not correctly open the Excel spreadsheet. L00100439: HF CR L00118773 SR 15616845: Using Dynamic Resolution (DRC) replace-type windows behavee unexpectedly and closed windows already open. L00110323: HF CR L00117084 SR 41610071 HF 2355: Zooming in and printing the application output wrong coordinate positions. L00110611: HF CR L00117425 SR 19816998: On importing an InTouch window in a Managed Application, the System tags displayed as placeholders. L00110695: HF CR L00117085 SR 41610081: InTouch keypad remains open even after the parent window that invoked the keypad is closed. L00110791: HF CR L00116976 SR 33410812 HF 2294: Importing DBLoad from the IDE failed. Add a new Registry DWORD value DisableWriteToNewTag to the following Registry locations: On 32-bit operating systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:SOFTWARE\Wonderware\Intouch\Installation On 64-bit operating systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Wonderware\Intouch\Installation

  • If you do NOT intend to do a delta import from the Historian (InSQL), set the DisableWriteToNewTag DWORD value to 1 to improve the performance of the DBLoad. Otherwise, set the value to 0. L00115201: HF CRs L00114702, L00116121 SRs 33430926, 33410952]: An alarm or event record was not logged to the alarm database if one of the fields contained a single quotation mark (apostrophe). L00115667: HF CR L00114593 SR 41610130: Window location information was unexpectedly changed and saved when using the mouse scroll wheel in WindowMaker. L00115766: HF CR L00115350 SRs 33410954, 33410861: When an attribute in alarmed state had its value or alarm limit modified so that it remained in alarmed state and was then reported again due to an engine restart, the alarm was logged twice with the same timestamp but with different values. L00116359: HF CR L00113474 SR 38231312: After switching languages, then printing a window without opening it, the window did not print in the new language. L00116367: HF CR L00112069 SR 33410861 HF 2467: With the AlarmDBLogger running as a service, a local platform query to get alarms from the Galaxy flooded the Alarm database with hundreds of old alarms so that the database grew one GB in two days. Add a new Registry DWORD value ArchestrAAlarms to the following Registry locations: On 32-bit operating systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wonderware\AlarmLogger\ArchestrAAlarms On 64-bit operating systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Wonderware\AlarmLogger\ArchestrAAlarms

  • The new DWORD value, ArchestrAAlarms, controls how the system looks up the ArchestrA alarms. In the absence of the ArchestrAAlarms DWORD value or if it is disabled by setting its value to zero or any value other than 0, 1, or 2, the system looks up ArchestrA Alarms using the GUID (current behavior). If the ArchestrAAlarms DWORD value is added and is set to 1, then the system looks up the alarms using the TagName+OriginationTime+ProviderId combination. If the same alarm is reported by multiple InTouch alarm providers, then the alarm is considered to be separate alarms, each coming from a different provider. If the ArchestrAAlarms DWORD value is added and is set to 2, then the system looks up the alarms using the TagName+OriginationTime.

If the same alarm is reported by multiple InTouch alarm providers, then only one instance of the alarm will be logged in the database. L00116419: HF CR L00116319 SR 103121430 [CAR 050820]: A NAD client opening or compiling a window for the first time resulted in error and warning messages, "Bitmap pixels and planes mismatched 32:16 1:1" and "Failed to load Window Index 10804. Stage=9 Linked=1". The windows still loaded properly. L00116551: HF CR L00116132 SR 103122267: When a condition script was configured to execute every minute, inserting data into SQL through SQL Access, WindowViewer ceased to function after less than an hour. L00116690: HF CR L00116494 SR 103122402: The Alarm DB Logger hangs with the error message, "The statement has been terminated." The conversion of a CHAR data type to a DATETIME data type resulted in an out-of-range DATETIME value. L00116865: HF CR L00116007 SR 15316210: A Smart Symbol replace operation modified many Tagnames in the Instance References column. The window was saved and closed, but when the window was reopened, the original default Tagnames appeared in the Instance References column. L00116867: HF CR L00116489 SR 42010030: Language Switching for Application Server Alarm Comments did not work correctly for ACK Alarms. L00116978: HF CR L00116826 SR 41610154: Key scripts linked to the CTRL key did not import. L00117305: HF CR L00117089 SR 103118108: Action scripts were deleted during conversion from InTouch 9.5 to InTouch 10.1 if ActiveX was not installed. L00117436: HF CR L00117030 SR 103122442: Opening an ArchestrA Symbol from another ArchestrA Symbol, showed with ShowSymbol function, then opening a keypad on a textbox, modeless, then calling another InTouch window caused the InTouch application to freeze. L00117539, L00117540: The ShowGraphic function forced displays into the viewable window instead of the user-specified location. L00117551: HF CR L00117352 SR 41610181: WindowMaker crashed with a Heap error message when zooming the window with the mouse scroll wheel after setting the zoom percentage. L00117556: HF CR L00117373. SR 33932683: Attempting to change the size of very large symbols are created out of standard graphic elements resulted in a size in pixels that was off by two or more pixels. L00117600: HF CR L00114637 SR 41610132: Linked tag information was lost when importing windows containing ActiveX controls. L00117646: HF CR L00117484: InTouch application logon using Single Sign-On failed when a domain was not available. L00117701: HF CR L00117518 SR 33811894: Using a resizeable keyboard in InTouch does not allow entry of a negative number. L00117802: HF CR L00117530 SR 12611886: A SuperTag with exactly 64 members caused DBLoad to fail on the second import of the same CSV file. L00117829: HF CR L00117585 SR 41610196: Zooming in and printing an application prints incorrect coordinates for thick line weight polylines and polygons. L00117873: HF CR L00117994 SR 103123189: With an Archestra symbol with an embedded Alarm Client Control and alarms selected at run time, the selected alarms can become de-selected when a new alarm occurs. L00117911: HF CR L00117647 SR 24515368: When running Recipe Manager on a dual monitor system, the Recipe Select dialog box split between screens instead of remaining on one screen. L00118082: HF CRs L00117645, L00115745: Initial values in a DBdump for some tags are different when the Group By option is selected or de-selected. L00118083: HF CR L00117455 SR 41610188: When multiple pens were added in run time, one or more pens failed to be added to the Trend Client. Error messages were written to the Logger: "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'ffc35062758' Key being added: 'ffc35062758'" and "WW Internal Diagnostics - Message generated during .Net Garbage Collection: An instance of .Net class ArchestrA.Visualization.GraphicLibrary.aaExpressionClientScriptCompiler was not disposed." L00118209: HF CR L00118019 SR 103123335: Under Windows 7 64-bit and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems, attempting to export alarm comments from an application where alarms are already present in other languages resulted in a dictionary file without the translated comments. L00118272: HF CR L00118032 SR 33811917: The Alarm DBLogger didn't connect to WWALMDB on a remote server but on the same domain. Errors messages appeared in the Logger: "!Tables were not created in WWALMDB database. Please use 'Create' button in the Configuration page" and "Unable to reconnect!! - Wait for reconnect." L00118341: HF CR L00118026 SR 103123043: When enlarging a Trend Client Control, the PenName label was pushed out of the graphic and disappeared from view. L00118397: HF CR L00118311 SR 41610231: When Tag names were changed in the Tagname Dictionary, the selection list for Data Change scripts still showed the old names. However, the new names appear correctly in the application explorer. L00118425: HF CR L00117996 SR 31611482: The Numeric Keypad went into the backgroup when called from a symbol rather than remaining in focus. L00118594: HF CR L00118457 SR 25315228: An Intouch application implemented with custom ActiveX and ActiveX event scripts crashed when the ActiveX event scripts were executed. L00118696: HF CR L00118946 SR 43110127: The Alarm DBLogger did not allow configuration of a query string longer than 1024 characters. L00118911: HF CR L00118611 SR 12612031: AttemptInvisibleLogon did not work correctly if the logged on user is configured as "user must change password upon next login". AttemptInvisibleLogon did work correctly if the user account does not require a password change upon next log on. L00118914: HF CR L00118587: Alarm Restore failed using the archived files and the InTouch Alarm Db Restore application when the folder used is 2GB in total size. L00119004: HF CR L00118741 SR 103123775: With Windows Input Service for Touchscreens active and a Real tag configured, changing the tag value with the touchscreen caused WindowViewer to crash. The hardware was a B & R Panel PC. L00119131: HF CR L00118992 SR 41610250: CPU went to 100% and the system froze when a rotated text was placed on top of an animation-linked object. L00119145: HF CR L00119053 SR 103124050: On a Windows 7 SP1 32-bit operating system runing InTouch 10.1 SP3 Patch01, Simplified Chinese, the SelectQuery method of the AlarmDBView Control in Chinese InTouch didn't work and displayed a warning message that the filter name could not be found. L00119337: HF CR L00118964 SR 20611183: While running InFusion View, a While True script stopped executing when the expression was still True. A While True script should continue executing as long as the expression is True, and should work evn when using remote terminal sessions (WYSE clients). L00119357: HF CR L00118978 SR 103124001: An Action Script On Left Key Up did not work correctly with an ArchestrA Symbol opened by using the ShowSymbol command. L00119676: HF CR L00119269 SR 31711973: When running an InTouch Managed application in InTouch version 10.1 SP3 P01, with DASABCIP 4.1 SP2 installed on the same node, using OS Group-based security, attempting a Secured Writes failed with the error message "The user ID is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, which is not acceptable for security verification." L00119852: HF CR L00119269 SR 31711973: When running an InTouch Managed application in InTouch version 10.1 SP3 P01, with DASABCIP 4.1 SP2 installed on the same node, using OS Group-based security, attempting a Secured Writes failed with the error message "The user ID is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, which is not acceptable for security verification."


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